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Kist o Riches is caain for twa muisicians.

Beyond Burns

Alistair Heather presents a programme on Radio 4 about contemporar Scots poesie.

StAnza: tickets available the nou

StAnza, the poesie festival based in St Aundraes, will be mid-Mairch and is eenou sellin tickets.

Get involved wi WayWORD - 4th Feb, Aiberdeen

WayWORD, the arts festival in Aiberdeen, is leukin for creative bodies keen tae get involved.

Scots Open Book groups

Open Book is rinnin regular Creative Writing and Shared Reading warkshops. This munth, they're on the day and on the 18th.

Lallans 105 is out

Lallans 105 haes been dispatcht til aa our members: gie's a bell gin you dinnae receive it.

Sam Gilliland

Sam Gilliland haes deed.

Sangschaw 2025

The Sangschaw opens for entries, Wullie Hershaw launches his poetic reflections on the 1984 Miner's Strike, and Grace Stewart-Skinner needs your help tae complete an aesome project.

Upcomin Scots-leid events in November

StAnza is caain for poetry films, and is hostin in Lochgelly on the 23rd o November, whyle the Push The Boat Out festival is bein hauden in Embro the same weekend.

Oor Vyce Gaitherin

Oor Vyce, the Scots-leid campaign group, is haein a gaitherin in Embro on the 22nt o November 2024.

Open Book Scots Shared Reading on Zoom

Open Book is haein a Scots skaired readin session on Zoom on Saturday the 19t o October.

Eiks an Ens 33

Includin notice o our AGM, things tae leuk out for in the Fringe, an the WayWords festival.

Collogue programme 8t June

We hae set the programme for oor annual Collogue on the 8t o June. The theme is ‘Scots in Education’.

Eiks an Ens 32

The Collogue on the 8t o June, and ither news.

Sangschaw winners 2024

Annooncin the winners o the 2024 Sangschaw!

New CD: A Vision o ma Ain Countree

A new CD collects the wark o mony o Scotland’s heidmaist female scrievers warkin in the Scots leid the day.

Eiks an Ens 31

The 2024 Sangschaw is open for submeissions! Forby, lairn about a new lug-in guide at Lithgae Pailace and an upcomin album release bi our ain Wullie Hershaw.

Eiks an Ens 30

Includit i this issue o Eiks an Ens is details o oor neist Collogue in Perth an o oor anthologies, that is haein fell positive reviews an weel wurth the siller.