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£20.00 | £30.00 | £25.00 |
Bank transfer
To pay by bank transfer, please send £20 to the following bank details, and include your name and the word 'STENT' in the reference. You may need to shorten your name to fit in the reference. For example, 'J BLOGGS STENT'.
Scots Language Society
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Mak out a cheque til The Scots Language Society, syne send it til us at the follaein address:
Scots Language Society
c/o Joe Carstairs
10/8 Viewforth Square
EH10 4LW
United Kingdom
Why jyne the Scots Leid Associe?
Bi jynin us, ye ar helpin us tae heize up the Scots leid, maistly bi giein Scots scrievers a place tae lairn frae anither an finnd their ain Scots vyce.
Forby, memmers get biannual issues o our aesome Lallans magazine gratis, an hae the richt tae atten our Annual Collogues, whaur we haud our AGM an enjoy talks frae kenspeckle spikkers on thochtie maiters effeirin til Scots leid an leiteratur.
Gin whit ye ar seekin is a community o prose-scrievers, makars, pleywreichts an owersetters, aw wi muckle care fur the Scots leid, the ar nae peer wi hus, the auldest Scots-leid activist organisation that’s about eenou an the anely fully dedicatit til the forderance o new Scots leiteratur.