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Eiks an Ens 33


Our AGM will be on Zoom on Wadnesday the 11t o September, 7.00-7.30pm. Gin ye’re a memmer o the Associe, watch your email inbox for an invitation. Gin ye dinnae receive it, get in touch! Lat us ken gin there’s ocht ye wad pit on the agenda.

The Orgreave Stations

On the 20t o November, our eiditor, Wullie Hershaw, will be launchin his new poesie beuk, The Orgreave Stations. It is a fiery and unflinchin leuk at the 1984 miners’ strike throu the lens o a retellin o Christ’s Passion.

Jim Aitken and Alistair McIntosh hae awready dane a fine job o reviewin the beuk, and they emphasise the threids that Hershaw’s poems ettle tae weave thegether atween Christianity and Marxism.

Gin you’re in Embro on the 20t o November, we’ll see you there!

Launch of The Orgreave Stations, Scottish Poetry Library, Edinburgh, 7pm, 20th November 2024

Embro Fringe

It’s festival season here in Embro, and amang the events there’s a wheen o guid anes for Scots-leid enthusiasts!

Scottish Dance Research

The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (RSCDS) haes got in titch tae ask gin we coud help wi their research tae help them forder the futur for Scottish country daunce. Gin ye’ve got 10 meenits, how no gie them a haund?

Here’s their message:

Contribute to Scottish Dance Research!

The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (RSCDS) invites you to participate in a short survey about Scottish dance and cultural traditions. Your insights, whether you’re a dancer or not, are valuable in shaping the future of Scottish cultural promotion.

  • Survey takes only 5-10 minutes
  • Completely anonymous
  • No prior dance knowledge required

How to participate:

  1. Click on the survey link below.
  2. Answer the questions to the best of your ability.
  3. If a question doesn’t apply to you, feel free to skip it.
  4. Click ‘Submit’ at the end of the survey.

Your participation will help ensure Scottish traditions remain vibrant and accessible for future generations.

Take the survey here:

Thank you for contributing to this important research!

WayWords festival

Gin Embro’s no sae convenient for ye, mebbe Aiberdeen is better. Gin that’s the case, be shair tae hae a swatch at the events on offer at the fift annual WayWords festival, hostit by the Universitie o Aiberdeen.

There’ll be scrievers, includin Liz Lochhead, daunce clesses, Gaelic picnics, and workshops on owersettin, climate chynge, and muckle mair, and our member Sheena Blackhall will be readin out her prize-winnin story at the presentation o the Toulmin Prize for Writing in North East Scots.