Kist o Riches is caain for twa muisicians. Whit follaes is their wirds.
Tobar an Dualchais/Kist of Riches an Eden Court are fair trickit tae offer a new opportuinity tae twa muisickers, the ane wirkin in the Gaelic an the tither in Scots. The pair wull hae the dint o twa days uphaudit resairch in the speicial Tobar an Dualchais/Kist o Riches archive, an syne wull scrieve a new sang tae be performit at the Under Canvas festival 2025 as pairt o a 45 meenit set. An aa, there may be ither performance opportunities at ither festivals. Ilk ane wull be grantit a steepend o £1200 fir the resairchin an scrievin o the sang/poem, wi anither steepend forby fir takin pairt in Under Canvas.
Applicants maun:
• be 18-27 year auld
• be fluent in Gaelic or ony dialeck o Scots
• bide in Scotland full time
• be able tae feenish the hale projeck bi the end o July 2025
Gin ye are interestit, please send yer CV an a single-page letter tellin us why ye wad be keen tae tak pairt in the projeck, an hoo ye wad plan tae honour an heize up oor recordins, bi Sun 23 Mar 2025.
Please send this information, an ony email links tae exemples o yer previous wark ye wad like tae include, til Emily MacDonald at; forby, ye can e-mail Emily wi ony questions ye micht hae.