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Sangschaw winners 2024

We’re delitit tae annoonce the winners o the 2024 Sangschaw competeition! There wis mair submeissions nor iver afore, and the qualitie o submeissions was heicher nor iver afore! Aw the winnin entries, and some o the rinners-up, will be furthset i furthcomin edeitions o Lallans.

The Hugh MacDiarmaid Tassie for Poesie

Kythe bi Craig Aitcheson
Jynt rinners-up
Wee Greta bi Alastair McLeish
Shakin Briggie bi Nicola Furrie
Garlieston Bay, February 2023 bi Colin Mackenzie
Tynin a Wellie bi Colin Mackenzie
Corbie bi Craig Aitchison
Yon Room bi Craig Aitchison
A Dauner wi Ma Faither bi David Bleiman
A Common Leid bi Donald Adamson
A Poem for St Lucy’s Day bi Donald Adamson
Efter Storm Babet bi Elaine Morrison
New Year Neebours bi Lynn Valentine
Luve Sang o the Hare bi Lynn Valentine
The Language of Walking bi Olive Ritchie
Edinburgh Bedlam 1774 bi Robert Duncan
Luik til the Burds o the Lift bi Jock Stein
Scaffies o Kharkiv bi Jock Stein
C’s Sang bi George T Watt

Robert McLellan Tassie for Cutty Tales

Stephen bi Tracy Anne Harvey
Plague bi Andy Matthews
Henry Haslett’s blinter o siller bi Alan Millar
The Bull bi Andy Matthews
The Ringer bi Andy Matthews
Fowk! bi George T Watt
Brocht up by Warlocks bi Jamie Purves
Sharon bi Keith Wood

John MacPhail Law Tassie for Owersettin

Smirr bi Tom Ellett
Dies Irae bi Donald Adamson
A leein wee puppet bi Derrick McClure
In a Picher bi Derrick McClure
Nae Vyce fae the Bens bi Derrick McClure
Aahin Shifts bi Neil Rhind
Catecheezin Fae a Wirker Fa Reads bi Neil Rhind
Sharnydubs bi Neil Rhind