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Violet Jacob

Scotsoun SSCD801

Scotsoun Makars Series

bi Violet Jacob

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Track list

  1. The Rowan
  2. The Tramp to the Tattie-doolie
  3. The Lost Licht – A Perthshire Legend
  4. The Baltic
  5. The Jaud
  6. The Blind Shepherd
  7. The Banks of The Esk
  8. The Field by the Lirk o the Hill
  9. The Shepherd to His Love
  10. The Last Ane
  11. Jeemsie Miller
  12. The Wild Geese
  13. A Widow
  14. Glory
  15. The Road To Marykirk
  16. The Howe o’ The Mearns
  17. Kirsty’s Opinion
  18. Halloween
  19. To AHJ