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George Campbell Hay

Scotsoun SSCD147

Scotsoun Makars Series

bi George Campbell Hay

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Track list

  1. Bisearta
  2. Bizerta
  3. An t-Oigear
  4. Tilleadh Uilìseis
  5. Still Gyte, Man?
  6. Truaighe na h-Eòrpa
  7. An t-Iasgair
  8. The Fisherman
  9. Scots Arcadia
  10. Ardlamont
  11. The Smoky Smirr o Rain
  12. An Ciùran Ceòban Ceò
  13. Na Trèig Do Thalamh Dùthchais
  14. Do not Forsake your Native Land
  15. Flooer o the Gean
  16. Eun Maidne
  17. Bratach am Bràigh a’ Bhaile
  18. A Banner at the Tounheid
  19. Aria
  20. Aria
  21. Skotland
  22. Scotland
  23. An Nàiseantach
  24. Advice to the Nationalist
  25. The Twa Capitals
  26. A Nor-Sea Day
  27. Eftirspiel