TS Law
Scotsoun SSCD137-8
Scotsoun Makars Series
bi TS Law

Track list
- Skinheads at Auschwitz, Easter 1996
- Ban Polaris, Halleluia
- Seam
- I Haven’t Your Capacity for Hating
- Albry Toi Ya Bass
- Dae it Yersel
- A Jobe in Haund
- Verse for a New Watch
- Excerpt from The Unioun Fuhlla
- Yirdit
- The Duke
- Glengorm
- A Haaf-a-Croon o Devolutioun
- The Curse an the Blessin
- Truith
- The Martyr
- The Bruce
- Renewal
- The Free Nation
- The Mairriage o Thorgerd
- The Murder of Hall, Ingjald’s Brither
- The Daith o Bolli
- Faur Ower Cauld
- The Soond and the Silence
- The Fowk
- The Hero
- The Patriot
- The Grave of John MacLean
- The Makar MacDiarmid
- Forewurd
- From A Wee Thing Cauld
- From Bairntyme Politics, Joe Sullivan
- Mother’s Death
- Unluckie for Some
- Lang Sang
- The Critic
- The Arrow
- An Elegie for an Auld Collier
- Florish
- Bye Auldgaet Kirk
- Bye Auldgaet Kirk
- Because an Because
- Light an Daurk in Germanie
- Yuisslessness
- Hungers
- Cauld Confort
- The Bairns
- Thon Wee-Laddie-wi-the-Mulk
- Veesit
- Naither Wurk nor Waant
- Speirin anent the Speak
- Scadda
- Tay Pearl
- Sanctities