Lowland Souch
Scotsoun SSCD118
bi Davie Robertson

This recordin haes been inspired bi the recent revival o the Scottish cauldwind or bellows pipes. Davie Robertson is ane o the gleggest tradeitional muisicians rowed up wi this revival, an this ingaiterin o hi wark haes been lang syne comin. His masterfu sma pipe accompaniments, his braid an authentic East Lothian Scots an the caller virr o his nain composeitions affuird the best o the tradeition eenou i Lawland Scotland. The mellin o auld an new is completit bi the sets gien bi Andy Hunter (sma pipes), Davie Lockhart (fiddle) an Mike Ward (sma pipes an harmonium).
Track list
- The Piper’s Cave and Aiken Drum
- A Drinkin Man Robertson