Sangschaw and Penny Wheep
Scotsoun SSCD095
bi Hugh MacDiarmaid

Track list
- Wheelrig
- Country Life
- O Jesu Parvule
- The Innumerable Christ
- God Takes a Rest
- In the Pantry
- Farmer’s Death
- The Diseased Salmon
- Whip-the-World
- Ballad of the Five Senses
- In Glasgow
- La Fourmilière James Steel
- Poems from Penny Wheep (1926) spoken title and short musical intro
- Trompe l’oeil
- Wheesht, Wheesht
- Ex ephemeride mare
- Blind Man’s Luck
- The Currant Bush
- Cloudburst and Soaring Moon
- Feery-o’-the-Feet Eileen MacCallum
- Somersault
- Song
- Love
- Sea-Serpent
- Locked
- Thunderstorm
- Hungry Waters
- Tam
- Focherty
- Sabine
- Parley of Beasts
- The Love-sick Lass
- Wild Roses
- The Widower
- The Long Black Night
- To One Who Urges More Ambitious Flights
- The Dead Liebknecht
- In Mysie’s Bed
- Guid Conceit
- Morning
- Under the Greenwood Tree
- The Three Fishes
- The Robber
- Bombinations of a Chimaera
- Scunner
- Servant Girl’s Bed
- Jimsy: an Idiot
- Empty Vessel
- The Fairmer’s Lass
- The Bonnie Lowe
- Sunny Gale
- On the Threshold
- Krang
- Supper to God
- From ‘Songs for Christine’
- The Quest
- Gairmscoile
- A Herd of Does
- ‘U Samago Moria’
- Your Immortal Memory, Burns !
- Reprise