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Sangschaw winners 2024

We’re delighted to announce the winners of the 2024 Sangschaw competition! There were more submissions than ever before, and the quality of submissions was higher than ever before! All the winning entries, and some of the runners-up, will be published in forthcoming editions of Lallans.

Hugh MacDiarmaid Tassie for Poesie

Kythe by Craig Aitcheson
Jynt rinners-up
Wee Greta by Alastair McLeish
Shakin Briggie by Nicola Furrie
Garlieston Bay, February 2023 by Colin Mackenzie
Tynin a Wellie by Colin Mackenzie
Corbie by Craig Aitchison
Yon Room by Craig Aitchison
A Dauner wi Ma Faither by David Bleiman
A Common Leid by Donald Adamson
A Poem for St Lucy’s Day by Donald Adamson
Efter Storm Babet by Elaine Morrison
New Year Neebours by Lynn Valentine
Luve Sang o the Hare by Lynn Valentine
The Language of Walking by Olive Ritchie
Edinburgh Bedlam 1774 by Robert Duncan
Luik til the Burds o the Lift by Jock Stein
Scaffies o Kharkiv by Jock Stein
C’s Sang by George T Watt

Robert McLellan Tassie for Short Stories

Stephen by Tracy Anne Harvey
Plague by Andy Matthews
Henry Haslett’s blinter o siller by Alan Millar
The Bull by Andy Matthews
The Ringer by Andy Matthews
Fowk! by George T Watt
Brocht up by Warlocks by Jamie Purves
Sharon by Keith Wood

John MacPhail Law Tassie for Translation

Smirr by Tom Ellett
Dies Irae by Donald Adamson
A leein wee puppet by Derrick McClure
In a Picher by Derrick McClure
Nae Vyce fae the Bens by Derrick McClure
Aahin Shifts by Neil Rhind
Catecheezin Fae a Wirker Fa Reads by Neil Rhind
Sharnydubs by Neil Rhind