How can I join?
To join, you can pay by PayPal, bank transfer or cheque. The fee is as below.
Individual (UK) | Individual (non-UK) | Institutional (UK) |
£20.00 | £30.00 | £25.00 |
Bank transfer
For tae pey by bank transfer, pleise send £20 til the follaein bank details, and include your name and the wird 'STENT' in the reference. You micht hae tae shorten your name for tae fit it intil the reference. For ensaumple, 'J BLOGGS STENT'.
Scots Language Society
00153458 -
Make out a cheque to The Scots Language Society, then send it to us at the following address:
Scots Language Society
c/o Joe Carstairs
10/8 Viewforth Square
EH10 4LW
United Kingdom
Why join the Scots Language Society?
By joining us, you are helping us to champion the Scots language, especially by giving Scots writers a place to learn from one another and to find their own Scots voice.
In addition, members get biannual issues of our unique Lallans magazine gratis, and have the right to attend our Annual Conferences, where we hold our AGM and enjoy talks from highly regarded speakers on thought-provoking subjects relating to Scots language and literature.
If what you’re looking for is a community of prose-writers, poets, playwrights and translators with a passion for the Scots language, we have no equal. We are the oldest extant Scots-language activist organisation and the only one solely dedicated to the development of new Scots literature.