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TS Law

Scotsoun SSCD137-8

Scotsoun Makars Series

by TS Law

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Track list

  1. Skinheads at Auschwitz, Easter 1996
  2. Ban Polaris, Halleluia
  3. Seam
  4. I Haven’t Your Capacity for Hating
  5. Albry Toi Ya Bass
  6. Dae it Yersel
  7. A Jobe in Haund
  8. Verse for a New Watch
  9. Excerpt from The Unioun Fuhlla
  10. Yirdit
  11. The Duke
  12. Glengorm
  13. A Haaf-a-Croon o Devolutioun
  14. The Curse an the Blessin
  15. Truith
  16. The Martyr
  17. The Bruce
  18. Renewal
  19. The Free Nation
  20. The Mairriage o Thorgerd
  21. The Murder of Hall, Ingjald’s Brither
  22. The Daith o Bolli
  23. Faur Ower Cauld
  24. The Soond and the Silence
  25. The Fowk
  26. The Hero
  27. The Patriot
  28. The Grave of John MacLean
  29. The Makar MacDiarmid
  30. Forewurd
  31. From A Wee Thing Cauld
  32. From Bairntyme Politics, Joe Sullivan
  33. Mother’s Death
  34. Unluckie for Some
  35. Lang Sang
  36. The Critic
  37. The Arrow
  38. An Elegie for an Auld Collier
  39. Florish
  40. Bye Auldgaet Kirk
  41. Bye Auldgaet Kirk
  42. Because an Because
  43. Light an Daurk in Germanie
  44. Yuisslessness
  45. Hungers
  46. Cauld Confort
  47. The Bairns
  48. Thon Wee-Laddie-wi-the-Mulk
  49. Veesit
  50. Naither Wurk nor Waant
  51. Speirin anent the Speak
  52. Scadda
  53. Tay Pearl
  54. Sanctities