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Poems of Robert Burns volumes 1 & 2

Scotsoun SSCD035

Scotsoun Makars Series

by Robert Burns

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Track list

  1. The Holy Fair
  2. Death and Doctor Hornbook
  3. Group 5 intro
  4. Address to the Deil
  5. Tam o Shanter
  6. Introduction
  7. Tam Glen
  8. O what can a young lassie?
  9. Willie Wastle
  10. Thou hast left me ever, Jamie
  11. The Laddie’s dear sel
  12. It is was a’ for our rightfu’ king
  13. O wert thou in the cauld blast
  14. John Anderson
  15. Introduction
  16. Man was made to Mourn
  17. Address of Beelzebub
  18. A Man’s a Man, for a’ that
  19. The Tree of Liberty
  20. As I stood by yon roofless tower
  21. Introduction to Love and Liberty a.k.a. The Jolly Beggars
  22. Start of Recitativo
  23. The Soldier’s Song
  24. Recitativo: He ended; and the kebars sheuk
  25. I once was a maid
  26. Recitativo: Poor merry Andrew in the neuk
  27. Sir Wisdom’s a fool when he’sfou
  28. Recitativo: The neist outspak a raucle carlin
  29. John Highlandman
  30. Recitativo: A pigmy scraper wi’ his fiddle
  31. I am a fiddler to my trade
  32. Recitativo: Her charmshad struck a sturdy caird
  33. My Bonnie Lass
  34. Recitativo: The caird prevail’d
  35. I am a bard of no regard
  36. Recitativo: So sung the bard
  37. A fig for those by law protected
  38. Auld Lang Syne