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Lallans 63

The sixty-third issue of the Lallans magazine.

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  • Jamie Reid Baxter
  • Douglas Kynoch
  • Sheena Blackhall
  • John Law
  • Sheila Douglas
  • Caroline Macafee
  • Andy Eagle
  • Ann Matheson
  • Bob Fairnie
  • J Derrick McClure
  • Gavin Falconer
  • Ian R Mitchell
  • Kenneth D Farrow
  • Steve Murdoch
  • Iain Forde
  • Liz Niven
  • Kath Gray
  • David C Purdie
  • Roddy Hamilton
  • David Purves
  • Brent Hodgson
  • Margot Rhead
  • Dauvit Horsbroch
  • John Tait
  • Alexander Hutchison
  • Raymond Vettese
  • Weelum-John Jappy
  • Rab Wilson
  • Mary Johnston